CFU has some incredibly talented people hosting wine and beer tastings.
Ashley Hausman seriously knows wine–she is a sommelier and wine buyer for a local store–but she’s also a great hostess. Her Wine & Food Pairing class is an amazing value and experience.  Students give fantastic reviews for this class, and a number of our staff have taken it too. They couldn’t believe how much they learned.
Ashley’s offering two new classes this late summer–one all about the hot wine of the season: Malbec. The other class is amusingly titled “Le Confusion of French Wine: A Crash Course” and is just like what it sounds— a chance to demystify the French wine scene. At last!
Julie Pech takes wine tastings in a different direction altogether. She hosts a wine tasting, a chocolate tasting, and then marries the two together. The chocolates are exquisite–high quality and often with interesting nuts, fruits and flavors. The interplay with the wine is fascinating.
This may be your last chance to take one of Charlie Gottenkieny’s classes. He’s hosting a British and German beer tastings this summer. And of course, he’s in the kitchen once a month teaching folks how to whip up their own batch of homebrew. Charlie is a professional beer judge and has won numerous ribbons for his amateur brews. Don’t miss this chance to explore the amazing world of beer with a true connosieur and all around nice guy!
Browse all CFU tasting classes here….