Social media has radically transformed the way many small businesses (including CFU) market our programs and services. Yet, when I am in classes or working with teachers, I often hear “I know I should be tweeting or posting on Facebook more, but….”
You don’t have to “do it all” — but you do have to embrace the revolution and do something. And you should at least know the landscape of social media so you are sure you’ve chosen the right “somethings” for your business.
We’ve been programming a lot of classes here at CFU to help small business owners and others understand and efficiently embrace the various social media platforms.  We’ve also organized them into a program that we call our Social Media Certification program.
The certificate is designed to give the DIY business owner the tools he or she needs to choose and work with the various types of social media on the market.
We also think the certificate is useful for the business owner who wants to “hire out” his or her online marketing; you can’t really make good decisions about how to best market your business  unless you understand the choices available.  Get up to speed quickly by taking the recommended classes.
See all the current offerings in the Social Media Certificate here.
And get started with one of these classes being offered this summer 2012:
6/27: Blogging Basics: Hand-On Training 
6/27 & 7/11:  Facebook for Beginners 
7/7: Facebook for Business: Social Media 101
7/7: Google+ and Twitter: Social Media 201 
7/10: Hands-On Social Media Marketing Lab 
7/10: LinkedIn 101: Build a Profile that Gets Results
7/31: LinkedIn 201: LinkedIn for Business Advancement 
NEW! 7/16: Digital Marketing Overview 
NEW! 7/16: Digital Marketing Strategy 
NEW! 7/17: Digital Marketing with P:interest 
NEW! 7/18: Easy Content Creation for Digital Marketing 
NEW! 7/18: B2B Sales Success with Webinars