Leisure, Home, Travel, & Enrichment
Life shouldn’t be all work and no play! Take time to unplug and recharge. Create the environment that sustains you. Create a lifestyle that sustains you.
Colorado Free University is all about helping folks to make the most out of every area of life. We believe that living the good life is about doing meaningful work, making a positive contribution, and enjoying the people and world around you. We bring a wonderful array of classes that help you make the most of your leisure time and live well, whatever resources you have. Use CFU classes to enhance your lifestyle.
Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand–and melting like a snowflake…
—Francis Bacon
We all need to have some balance in our lives. If you work hard you need to live, love, and play hard as well. We plan a wide range of classes that can support you in all areas of your life. Take classes to learn new skills, but then kick back and have some fun as well.
Travel enriches our lives and expands our horizons. What better way to detach from the stresses and burdens of our daily lives than to unplug and take a trip?! Seeing other places, visiting other cultures, and meeting new people can deepen our appreciation for our world and the wonderful diversity of people who inhabit it. CFU travel classes can show you ways you can travel safely and inexpensively and get the most out of your adventures.
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
—Mark Twain
While considering your next big adventures, think also about showing regard for the people you’ll be meeting by learning to speak their language. CFU offers a number of conversational foreign language classes that can help you with basic speaking skills. See our language classes here.
In between your opportunities to get away, you can have adventures here at home. Phil Goodstein has offered his walking tours through Colorado Free University since 1987 and he’s still roaming the streets! Learn about Denver history, find out where the bodies are buried, and see the city in a whole new way. Phil leads ghost walks at Halloween time and 4-session tours that show you a different part of Denver each week. He is a Denver treasure and his tours are like none other…he’s the original! Check out the classes,
And as you stay even closer to home, make the most of your down time while treating yourself to good, healthy meals. You can master your knife skills with Chef Trusan and learn how to organize your kitchen like a pro! Learn also about ways to be good to your body and eat for a healthy life. See the CFU classes here.
People who love to eat are always the best people
—Julia Child
With Covid, CFU had to take a break from offering a number of our cooking class. As we emerge from pandemic times, we are eager to offer some new classes. If you have a passion to cook and want to share with others, consider offering a class. Learn about teaching at CFU here.
We’d love to offer classes on international cooking as well as healthy, wholesome comfort food you can share with your family.
Your home should be the place where you let down your guard, refuel, and relax. You want visitors to feel at ease and your spaces to reflect the “you” that you want them to know. Be Your Own General Contractor and Save Thousands gives you an insider look at what you need to know to manage your own home improvement project. Check out the classes here.
There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.
— Jane Austen
If you are thinking of moving, CFU has terrific classes in our Real Estate section that can give you a jump start on selling, buying, building, and financing a home.
We all need to take time off and do activities that are fun and engaging. With CFU classes you can start playing golf, learn about coin collecting, or perhaps kindle a new passion with The Basics of Home Food Gardening , a series for seasoned gardeners and beginner green thumbs, exploring all you need to know about gardening in Colorado.
Arts & Crafts and Creative classes are additional ways you can develop new pastimes and enrich your life. Check out the art classes, woodworking, sewing classes and writing classes we have on offer.
Traditionally, CFU classes were almost all in person, but when the pandemic hit, we moved most of our classes online. While some of the classes in our Leisure, Home, Travel, & Enrichment area can be delivered online, many require in-person contact. We are pleased that we can provide low-risk opportunities for people to come together for interesting and enjoyable experiences. In our in-person classes we adhere to guidelines established by the CDC and local governments. We keep classes small and ask everyone to maintain distance. We ask students to bring and use hand sanitizer and to keep masks on while in the building or at class. If you have been exposed to someone with Covid-19 or have symptoms (fever, headache, cold or flu symptoms) do not attend class, but call in advance. We can move you to a different session. You can reach us at (303) 399-0093 ext 0.
In person classes are offered at the Colorado Free University building at 7653 E. 1st Pl in the Lowry area of east Denver. Some instructors hold their classes at other locations. In our catalog or in the online class listing you will see the general area where the class is held. Specific address and directions are provided in the email confirmation you receive after you register. See all of our registration and class policies here.