Barbara Winter, author of Making a Living Without a Job

Barbara Winter, author of Making a Living Without a Job

We’re thrilled to welcome entrepreneurial expert Barbara Winter back in her first visit to Denver since the UnJob Fair in the spring.
If you’ve never had the chance to meet Barbara, be sure to mark your calendar for the weekend of October 25 & 26, 2013 for three of her most popular entrepreneur seminars.
On Friday, October 25, join Establish Yourself as an Expert and find out how you can become known as an expert in your field, and best yet–how you can make money from it.
Saturday morning, October 26, 2013 kicks off with one of Barbara’s best known seminars, Making a Living without a Job. Based on her best-selling book of the same name, come learn Barbara’s secrets and inspiration for making the jobless lifestyle your reality.
Saturday afternoon, join I Hate Marketing!: Practical Ideas for the Marketing Phobic. It’s true—not many small business owners relish marketing, but without it, few small businesses survive. Luckily, Barbara shares her practical and infinitely do-able strategies for marketing in this popular seminar.
Barbara Winter has been practicing what she preaches by living joyfully jobless since 1974! Students love her warm, humorous style and find her a both a rich source of inspiration and practical know-how.