Posted by Rachel Iacino on Dec 18, 2021 in General information and announcements, Older Articles

CFU has programmed some exciting new Winter/Spring classes and special events that we are eager to share with you. Browse our new offerings and hop on into class! Our 2022 classes will get your year off to a strong start.
Register online, or call our registration office on 303-399-0093, Ext 0.
Special Events

Howard Stephen Berg
Howard is on record as the world’s fastest reader. He shares his reading and learning strategies to enable you to process information more quickly and efficiently so you can learn what you need to know to make the decisions you need to make. CFU is thrilled to bring back Howard’s popular workshop after a 10 year hiatus.

Barbara Winter
Entrepreneur and author of ‘Making a Living without a Job“, Barbara Winter is a CFU favorite. Self-employment is for curious lifelong learners. While you can follow boring lists and rules, building something that fits you perfectly makes more sense. Come prepared to be inspired and informed.
3/2/22–Barbara Winter – The Joyfully Jobless Path to Prosperity – (#8990B) – Online

Karen Storsteen
Join gifted intuitive Karen Storsteen for this fascinating and empowering event. Begin by assessing the degree to which you are listening to your intuition and see where you are on the path. Explore the science that explains psychic ability and mediumship and learn proven methods to heighten your intuition. As a bonus, Karen will give mini psychic readings to class participants.
3/6/22– Karen Storsteen – Intuitive Development & Spirit Communication – (#8902K) – Online

Peter Hughes
Peter is a master change facilitator with over 17 years of vibe alignment and facilitation experience, and author of “At-One-Ment: Reclaiming Our Humanity“.
As we begin to emerge from this period of global pandemic, the chaos of the unknown and the perceived absence of control can seem overwhelming, and even hopeless. With practical application as its foundation, this course is designed to realign us with a healed version of our individual and, by proxy, collective humanity.
3/7/22 (4 Mondays)–Peter Hughes – At-One-Ment: Reclaiming Your Humanity – (#8905H) – Online
Be sure to see the recurring Special Events as well
Diversity & Equity Training Certification
Basic Mediation Training with Phoenix Strategies
Nonprofit classes with Lynn O’Connell
Kevin Boyd: Selling on eBay, Creating a Website, and Grab and Go Emergency Preparedness
Gina Henry Travel Workshops
2022 classes
Every quarter we program new classes that we plan to offer on a regular basis–every 6 weeks or 2 months. See here the new offerings for our 2022 classes.
The best way to learn Spanish is to study intensively. Meet on zoom daily for 2 weeks to cover the beginning levels of Spanish and have lots of time to practice your new skills. Starts 3/14/22 Spanish Spring Intensive 1-2 w/ Conversation 1.
Computer Classes
2/24/22 –The Microsoft Triple ‘O’ Class – Outlook, OneDrive & Office 365 ( 3 in1) – (#3465EZ) – In person
In this one class, learn to maximize Microsoft Outlook, OneDrive, and the other apps of Office 365. Get a better understanding of the top features of each Outlook component, including shortcuts and component integration.Then explore the rest of Office 365 and Microsoft OneDrive, the online cloud storage system integral to Office 365.
OnDemand – Simply Word – (#3444Z22) – Online
We’ve added to our suite of OnDemand classes to include MS Word. This course includes optimizing MS Word setup for a strong foundation, formatting 101, tabs to tables, shortcuts for navigating, entry, and editing. To see more of our On Demand elearning opportunities, please click HERE.
Personal Development and Communication
2/20/22–Public Speaking: Embodied Presence for Any Audience- (#1187X) – Online
Audiences of all types and sizes are eager to feel connected and inspired. Powerful, impactful speaking isn’t just for extroverts or performers. In this class we approach public speaking through a joyful and lighthearted lens. In class practice how to meaningfully connect with an audience by getting in touch first with your intention, amusement, and authenticity no matter your personality type or experience level.
1/30/22– From Surviving to Thriving: The Significance of Self-Care (#8825U) – Online
Recurrent and chronic stress is having a significant negative impact on our bodies, minds, and spirits. Yet we’re taught to think that self-care is selfish or indulgent. It’s time to change the story! Using research, mindfulness, dialogue, and interactive experiential learning, we will explore the science and art of self-care and the life-changing benefits that can result from prioritizing your health, happiness, and humanity.
2/20/22–Do You Have A Spirit Guide? Learning How to Connect With the Divine – (#1961AC) – In person
Do you have a spirit guide? This course will help you discover exactly what guides are and what their purpose is in your life. You’ll explore how to sense their presence on a day-by-day basis and why it’s so hard for many of us to hear our spirit guides. Leave class knowing some practical steps that you can take that will help you connect with your guides.
Arts & Crafts and Performance
2/6/2022 – Abstract Art For Everyone -(#1450BR) – In Person
If you’ve ever wanted to try your hand at abstract art, but you’re not sure where to start, then this class is for you! Learn the simple but effective secrets of abstract artists. Discover where to start with a blank canvas and take home a bonus ideas sheet so a blank canvas is never intimidating. Discuss how to know when your piece is finished or when to pause, rework, or keep going. Get a series of exercises you can repeat over and over… and never get the same results twice. Leave class with your own piece of abstract art and the potential to make more!
3/6/2022–Mixed-Media Magic: Our Meaningful Stories – (#1202CK) – In person
Open up a world of possibilities for your creativity as we experiment with a variety of materials and techniques to create your own beautiful miniature pieces of collage art. Whether you’re brand new to mixed media or a seasoned artist, you’ll leave inspired with new ideas and prompts to continue your creative journey. Students will complete and take home between 3 and 6 mini collages. No experience necessary, just be ready to let the creative juices flow!
1/23/2022– The Play’s The Thing: Read Aloud for Non-Actors – (#1197E) – In Person
Plays are written to be heard and giving voice to the written word is a joyous experience. In current times, adults seldom get the opportunity to read aloud outside their own homes. But, reading with others has great benefits from improving individual memory and comprehension to building emotional bonds. In this “class,” participants will read the parts in a compelling play or series of scenes and share their reactions. You don’t need to have any desire to be on stage to join voices with others and bring a script to life. This isn’t an academic class, the goal is simply to enjoy the plays in the company of others.
2/5/22– Voice- Over: Do You Have What it Takes? – (#3172FY) – Online
Have you been told that you have a great voice? Maybe you’ve wondered what it takes to work in the field of voice-over. This is your chance to learn about the business of voice-over and find out what qualities and skills you need to succeed. We’ll talk types of work including commercials, audio-books, narration and animation. You’ll get to read from scripts during class and see what it’s all about.
2/22/22 (4 Tuesdays)–Voice- Over: Discover and Develop Voice-Over Skills – (#3173CW) – Online
This 4-week workshop is your opportunity to develop your skills and receive coaching from an industry pro. The focus will be on TV/radio commercial work as the skills you learn here are fundamental to any type of voiceover work. Begin with techniques in voice/speech dynamics and script interpretation. You’ll have opportunities to read from a variety of scripts and get feedback on your performance. Start learning about mic technique, acting choices, and characterization.
Business, Career and Finance
3/16/22–Google My Business : Bring Traffic To Your Site (#3740C) – Online
Google My Business is more than just a free listing and dot on a map; it’s an important way to make sure your business draws traffic and looks good to potential clients or customers. Learn how to make the fullest use of this important tool to show off your business and to rank high in local searches.
2/2/22 — Search Engine Optimization Basics: Increase Your Google Ranking – (#1988BE) – Online
Creating an appealing website is great, but if people don’t find it, it’s not helping your business. In this introductory class learn what your website needs to draw traffic and show up in search results. Websites don’t rank on Google, pages and posts do, so you have to create them right. Learn about keyword research and strategy, and how to optimize content for search engines. Explore what you need to do to make your site friendly for Google and users.
2/9/22– Personal Branding: How to Leverage Who You Are for Business and Career Success – (#3207I) – In Person
How do you get others to recognize, appreciate-and pay for-the value you offer? How do you stand out as the expert in your industry or career, and convince people that their investment with you is the only and obvious choice? If your business relies on your expertise and professional appeal, or if you are looking to make a career move that requires you to promote your assets, this class is for you.
1/29/22– Taxes and Retirement : Tax Efficient Planning – (#4621AS) – In Person
Do you think every dollar counts in retirement? If so, it makes sense to take action now to ensure that you keep as much of your hard-earned money as possible. This class will get you started making a tax efficient plan while taking new tax law into account, so you can minimize how much of your retirement income goes out in taxes.
Home and Garden
1/29/22 – The Basics of Home Food Gardening: An Overview – (#6546A) – Online
The value and importance of growing food in your own garden has never been more apparent. This introductory session will give you a general overview of food gardening and permaculture in Colorado. Topics include building soil, choosing a location for your garden, choosing the best organic and heirloom seeds, designing your garden, planting from seeds and seedlings, creating a timeline for planting, and basic permaculture principles.
2/9/22– Home Food Gardening Step 1: Planning Garden Placement, Design and Seeds – (#6547A) – Online
Winter is the time to begin. During the cold months is when you plan the placement of your garden and order seeds. In this session, Linnea Bjorkman walks you through the options of raised beds versus ground options and how you will access water. She’ll discuss where to find organic and heirloom seeds and how to read seed packets. You’ll consider what you like to eat the amount of space you have so you can begin to design your garden.
3/9/22– Home Food Gardening Step 2: Getting Ready To Plant – (#6548A) – Online
As the days get longer, it’s time to get outside. In this session, learn how to create a timeline of when to plant what. You may start seeds indoors in late March (so much fun to do with kiddos!) and move outdoors with potatoes and cool season crops in April. She’ll discuss adding compost to the garden, thinning, how to read your seed packets, best watering practices, and taking a deeper dive into permaculture practices/principles.
5/11/22– Home Food Gardening Step 3: Spring Has Sprung – (#6549A) – Online
Start with a review of your planting timeline. Plan successive planting so that you can enjoy a continual harvest. Learn about warm-season vegetables, pollinator plants, and plants that are natural pest deterrents. Find out how to harvest your various types of plants and discuss organic fertilizers, pesticides, and composting.