Posted by Laura on Sep 13, 2012 in Special Opportunities

Ethan Knightchilde on location. Photo by Todd Prescott, all rights reserved.
Join CFU film teacher Ethan Knightchilde for a film screening of his new film, Ghosts of the West: The End of the Bonanza Trail , on September 29 in Estes Park.
Congratulations to Ethan on the culmination of several years of hard work on this film!
Here are details about the film, tickets, and more:
Lost mines, abandoned diggings, ghost towns…
The very words conjure enigmatic images of the Old West ~ of the thousands of towns and mining camps that boomed and died during that brief era when men scrambled through unexplored territory, searching for the next big gold strike. Today, the old hotels and saloons stand in mute testimony to a fabled past, when prospectors came to gamble, find and lose a fortune, or die without revealing the location of a rich and elusive mine. Their tales continue to fascinate and intrigue.
And even haunt us…
On Saturday, September 29, Knight Sky Pictures and the Historic Park Theatre will host two sneak previews of Ghosts of the West: The End of the Bonanza Trail in Estes Park, Colorado. The special event includes the screening of the multi-award winning short film Not for Today, But for All Time… along with the main feature, an opportunity for all audience members to provide comments with a survey card, a Q&A with the filmmakers, and a raffle. Cast and crew members also may be in attendance for one or both screenings.
Tickets can be purchased online, at the Park Theatre box office, or at the Park Theatre Cafe (during normal operating hours). For questions or additional information, please contact us at
Saturday, September 29, 2012
2 PM and 7 PM
The Historic Park Theatre, 130 Moraine Avenue, Estes Park, Colorado
Ticket prices: $6 in advance, $8 on the day of the event
Ticket purchases (in person): at the Park Theatre box office or the Park Theatre Cafe during regular operating hours
Ticket purchases (online for mail delivery):