Posted by Rachel Iacino on Jul 13, 2022 in Business, Marketing, Careers, & Nonprofit Administration, Special Opportunities
Colorado Free University proudly presents special events with instructors, locally and from across the nation. We are thrilled to announce our latest one of a kind opportunities for late summer and early fall. Join us!

Debra Fine
Thursday August 18, 2022
Master the Fine Art of Small Talk: Mingle with Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime About Anything
Debra Fine has helped executives, celebrities, politicians, and thousands of other people become expert conversationalists. In this informative, interactive and entertaining seminar, gain techniques so that you will never again dread going to a party, networking event, job interview or talking to ANYONE about ANYTHING!
Peter J Hughes
Vibe Tune Up: Spinning Fear Into Love and Living a Thriving Life
Next session– Monday September 19, 2022 7-9pm

The delightful Peter J. Hughes leads inspiring conversations to support people to come into alignment with their higher purpose and to up their vibrations.
CFU invites you to meet Peter and to experience the power of his understandings. He will give you an overview of the principles of the law of attraction and lead you through a conversation and experiences that can enable you to transform fear into love and open yourself to intuitive guidance.
Kevin Boyd

The multi talented Kevin hails from Seattle and teaches a wide range of classes – showing you how to get the most out of ebay, as well as a class on creating a website for fun or profit and another on emergency preparedness. Kevin regularly receives rave reviews for all his very popular classes.
Sell It Online!: Explore Your Best E-Store Opportunities
Monday October 24, 2022 6-9PM
August 1-3, 2022 Meets: One Mon. & One Wed., 6-9PM
Create a Website for Fun, Profit, & Business!
Tuesday July 26, 2022 7-10PM
Create Your Grab-and-Go Rapid Emergency Exit Plan
Thursday August 4, 2022 6-9pm
Gina Henry

We are fortunate to have professional traveler, Gina Henry, bring her information-packed seminars to CFU. Learn how to travel safely and cheaply, find out how to be a digital nomad, and and get the scoop on teaching English in other locations.
Having lived the travel life for 30 years, Gina Henry knows all the tricks. She has traveled to 98 countries and all 50 states. She teaches in 90 cities and is the author of many travel books and audios.
How to Travel Free & Safely During These Unparalleled Times
Saturday July 23, 2022 10am-1pm
Get Paid to Teach English: In the United States & Overseas
Saturday July 30, 2022 10am -1pm
Work Remotely & Become a Digital Nomad: Create Your Money-Making Travel Lifestyle & Work Anywhere
Saturday August 6th 10am-1pm
The Secrets of Travel Hacking: Free Air, Hotels, & Cash-Back
Saturday August 13, 2022 10am-1pm
Lynn O’Connell
Take advantage of Lynn’s extensive experience in the nonprofit sector spanning four decades. She has led more than 35 organizations through the strategic-planning process. Her clients have included the National Military Family Association, the TV Project, Different Drum School, and the Bar Association of the District of Columbia. Lynn is also editor of two publications for nonprofit professionals, Development Director’s Letter and WealthEngine News. She holds a certificate in nonprofit management from Duke University as well as a Master’s in philanthropy from Indiana University.

The 3 R’s of Volunteers: Recruitment, Retention and Recognition
Sunday July 24, 2022 1pm-3:30pm
How to Create a Business Plan That Works
Sunday August 21, 2022 1pm-3:30pm
Saturday September 10, 2022 9am-4pm
How to Start a Nonprofit Organization
Saturday September 17, 2022 9am-11:30am
Successful Fundraising for Nonprofits
Saturday September 17, 2022 12:30pm-3pm
Orientation to the Nonprofit World: Fundamentals & Opportunities
Sunday November 6th 1pm:3:30pm

Amy Bonomi
Social Justice Associates
So You Want to be a Great Leader?
Change “It’s How We Do Things Around Here”
Social Justice Associates was founded by Amy Bonomi, PhD, MPH, an award-winning professor at Ohio State University (2006-2013) and Michigan State University (2013-2021) and consultant for the U.S. Department of Justice. Dr. Bonomi has guided thousands of individuals and teams in DEI-related quality improvement assessment and strategy.
8/3–Inclusive Leadership: Essential for Aspiring Leaders, Boards, & Corporations (#8880C) – Online
No matter what your role in your organization, join other leaders and equity champions in discussing the challenges, opportunities, and nuances of “DEI” at three levels of the organization: visible artifacts, espoused values, and underlying beliefs (e.g., decision-making, communication, who gets appointed to leadership, and the adage “it’s how we do things around here”).
Using interactive discussion and case examples, we delve into how unconscious bias, privilege, and power shape human and organizational behavior, and examine how to align your leadership practices to be inclusive at three levels of the organization.
Starts 10/5 (Four Wed)–Equity & Inclusion Certification Program (#8877CE) – Online
Whatever your work or volunteer setting, it is critical that you have a solid understanding of the concepts and practices involved in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). The certificate program covers key DEI concepts and skills building, and centers best practice DEI strategies within evidence-based organizational change models. The training is accessible to all professionals, regardless of position, previous training, or level of knowledge.

Karen Storsteen
Karen has worked in the fields of human and organizational development for over thirty years and has educated and counseled thousands to reach their greatest potential.
Intuitive Development & Spirit Communication: With Karen Storsteen
Sunday August 14, 2022 1-4pm
In this fascinating and empowering event, begin by assessing the degree to which you are listening to your intuition and see where you are on the path. Explore the science that explains psychic ability and mediumship and learn proven methods to heighten your intuition. Find out how to extinguish stress, which diminishes intuition, and shift to neurological power and clarity. Experience your own intuition at work to solve a problem and make a decision. As a bonus, Karen will give mini psychic readings to class participants.
Paul Mladjenovic
Paul Maldjenovic, CFP, is a national speaker, consultant and author of Investing For Dummies. Since 1986, he has helped his students learn about investing, the economy and financial planning.

9/12–ltra-Investing Using Options: Intro to Options (Online)
This course is not for the financially risk averse! Learn the strategies that experienced investors use to make tremendous profits. Learn about versatile, powerful speculative vehicles and call and put options, and also explore how to use options on stocks, indexes, gold, oil, or other investment vehicles. With these investments, you can make a small fortune overnight or, if you’re not careful, lose one, so it’s important to learn from a pro with a strong track record. Learn safe call and put strategies where you can speculate with as little as a few hundred dollars and also learn how to use options for either quick gains or a steady income. Discover resources and websites to track the markets and gain the valuable information you need to succeed
9/13–Home Business Gold Mine
Turn your talents, hobbies, and skills into big profits from home, part-time! In today’s economy, it makes sense to supplement your income. Discover over a hundred ways to make money and have fun doing it. Find out ways to enter the “sharing economy” that go beyond Uber and Airbnb and learn how to earn money with your smart phone; explore hot areas such as mail order, drop-shipping, Internet businesses, online auctions, self-publishing, brokering, liquidating, and more. Explore selling on Amazon and eBay, and learn about other low-risk, minimal investment, and high potential businesses that can be done in your spare time. You will also learn how to get thousands in tax benefits from a home office.
9/ 14–Crisis Investing: How to Prosper During Inflation, Economic Chaos, & Market Turmoil (Online)
Let’s face it…we are in unprecedented times. Yesterday’s financial strategies could be devastating for your financial health. Paul Mladjenovic, CFP is a national speaker, consultant and author of Stock Investing for Dummies. Since 1986, he has helped his students learn about investing, the economy and financial planning. He will offer perspective that many financial advisors are not currently considering.
Howard Berg

The World’s Fastest Reader
Howard is on record as the world’s fastest reader. He shares his reading and learning strategies to enable you to process information more quickly and efficiently so you can learn what you need to know to make the decisions you need to make. He can help you increase your reading speed by 100 percent and show you how to boost your comprehension and recall.
He’ll share methods for mastering pleasure reading, how-to-books, studying and technical reading, and he’ll also teach you methods for boosting your emotional intelligence. Learn a strategy to anticipate the questions that will be asked on tests and at meetings so you know exactly what to study before you even begin reading.
Mega Speed Reading has been endorsed by Maurice Thompson Jr., former president and chairman of Evelyn Wood’s Reading Dynamics, and Berry Bowler, founder and former owner of Sylvan Learning Systems.
Mega Speed Reading: Speed Reading & Accelerated Learning Secrets of the World’s Fastest Reader
September 24, 2022 (#2536AK) 9am -1pm
Michelle Noyes
Phoenix Strategies
The Collaborative, Facilitative and Interest-Based Model™ (CFI) is the heart of Phoenix Strategies, Inc.’s services and training. Not only is this model used to manage conflict, but it can be used in our daily, personal and professional activities. Whether communicating with family, friends or co-workers or negotiating to meet goals, this model can bring about mutually satisfying g results for those directly involved.

Exploring Mediation as a Career
Saturday August 27, 2022 10am-12pm – Online
Maybe you have been told that you are good at solving problems or working with difficult people. Someone may have even said that you would be a great mediator. This class will answer your questions about becoming a mediator. Learn about various dispute resolution processes and more specifically about mediation and its benefits. Discover various ways people respond to conflict and when these responses are useful or not useful. Become familiar with the differing mediator roles and their impact client satisfaction. Find out what skills are needed to become an effective mediator. Realize the steps you can take to become a mediator and start a dispute resolution career.
Basic Mediation Training: Become a Mediator
Learn the mediation process and get started using the skills of mediation. This course is for anyone involved in conflict management on a personal or professional level. The 40-hour Basic Mediation course is the recommended minimum requirement for, and serves as your foundation to building a career as a mediator in the state of Colorado. You will learn to modify past learned behaviors, develop basic essential skills, and effectively mediate with minimal mentor support through integration of theory and practice, modeling, exercises, and simulations, and self, peer, and instructor evaluation.
September 7-13, 2022 (Wed.-Fri., 9/7-9/9) + ( Mon.-Tues., 9/12-9/13) 8am-5pm