Each season we program new classes to bring to the community. See what the new summer/early fall classes we’ve added here. If you would like to propose a class to teach in the fall or winter, you can learn about submitting a new course proposal here.

Computer Training

7/27–The Basics of Using a Mac Computer: Understand Your Computer & Organize Your Files (#3521A)–Online Do you have a Mac (Apple) computer that you haven’t quite mastered? This class will help you understand, use, and organize your Mac computer.
8/12–Using OneDrive: Microsoft Cloud Storage in Office 365 (#3485AZ)–Online Discover the Microsoft One Drive, the online cloud storage system integral to Microsoft Office 365. Using One Drive, you can create new files, view recent files, and share files with all of Office 365’s many apps.
8/12–Microsoft Outlook Tips & Tricks (#3486AZ)–Online Microsoft Outlook is a multi-faceted communications tool that includes email, calendars, contact management, tasks, notes, and journaling. While you may be comfortable with email, there are likely to be many timesaving features you have yet to realize! Make Outlook work for you!

Business Development and Marketing

8/20–How to Thrive as a Freelancer: The Keys to Productivity (#3286F)–Online Are you struggling to do it all? Learn about the habits you can develop to maximize your revenue, lower your expenses, and make efficient use of your time as a freelancer to have the life you crave and a thriving business.
7/11–Get Your Song Registered for Music Income Royalties (#1197A)–Online) Maybe you spent time during the pandemic writing songs. Or you have a band and create original music. In this overview course, learn how to properly register your music so that you can collect your songwriter royalties, publishing royalties, and much more!
Starts 7/27 (3 weeks)–Building Your Home-Based Business: The 7 Keys to Success (#1997F)–Online With so many facets to running a business, it can be overwhelming and intimidating to make sure you cover all the basics. In this class you will be introduced to 7 key concepts that enable businesses to succeed and how to build them into the business you are creating.
7/13–Facebook for Business: How to Make it Work for YOU (#3737C)–Online Facebook is a cost-effective channel for businesses of all sizes to grow their client base and revenue. This class will help you understand how to take full advantage of all that Facebook has to offer and get the most return on your marketing budget and time investment.
8/10–Be the Blog: The Keys to Writing for the Web (#3418P)–Online Want to discover the secrets to a successful blog post? Writing for the web has unique requirements. In this class find out how to create strong content and, write, publish, and promote blog posts that build audiences.

Nonprofit Leadership and Administration

7/8–Nonprofit Best Practices: Legal, Ethical & Professional Responsibilities (#3105AR)–Online This practical course can help the nonprofit professional understand their responsibilities to ensure compliance and strategic community engagement. Topics include governance and legal issues, federal and state requirements, ethical decision-making frameworks and scenarios, ethics in volunteer management and professional fundraising,


Starts 8/2 (sessions)–Discover Your Dream Job: Find the Career That Suits You (#1945AF)–Online In this interactive workshop, you’ll start by identifying your strengths, then clarify where you want to go with your career and your “must haves.” Get ready to confidently step out and step up in the job market.
7/16–Three Ways to Conquer Your Fear of Career Change (#2999E)–Online Fear holds many people back from moving out of a miserable job, moving away from a toxic boss, or starting over in a new profession. Learn about the actions you can take to identify and overcome your fears so you can take the powerful and necessary steps toward the career change you have been dreaming of.

Personal Development and Communication

7/9–Boundaries: The Secret to Balance & Success in Life (#5575A)–Online Poor boundaries can lead to increased stress, poor work-life balance, toxic relationships, and ultimately burnout. Join us to learn how to establish and communicate your boundaries effectively and create a pathway that leads to success at work and in your relationships.
8/11–Embracing Life Beyond Loss (#4506BK)–In person The loss of a loved-one upends our lives and challenges our sense of who we are in the world. This class is designed for people who are living with grief beyond the “acute” phase. You’ll have the opportunity to share your challenges and get coaching to help you move towards peace, comfort, and resolution.
7/24–Breakthrough! Top Strategies to Manage Conflict & Solve Problems (#2701G)–In Person Two areas that hang folks up personally or professionally are managing conflict and solving problems effectively. This transformational day empowers you to handle the challenges you face, assert your value, and move forward with confidence in life and work.

Writing/Personal Growth

Starts 7/27 (4 weeks)–The Empowering Potential of Poetry (#2020F)–Online Poetry has a way of speaking to our essential selves by taking us to the core of who we are. In this workshop we will read poetry to understand better its transformative capacity. With the support of the instructor, you will write poems so that you can express yourself and experience the liberating effect of poetry.

Mind & Body Wellness

8/14–Whole Food Nutrition for Hormonal Imbalance: This Ain’t Your Mama’s Nutrition! (#2594R)–Online Do you experience fatigue or brain fog, get “hangry,” have digestive problems, crave sweets and carbs, or experience energy crashes during the day? These are all signs that your body chemistry is out of balance. In this class you’ll learn 10 ways to improve your nutrition so that healing happens faster and your life becomes easier.

Performing Arts

7/19 & 7/26–Survive the Open Mic: Intro to Stand-Up Comedy (#1212T)–In person In this workshop, you will develop material suitable for local open mics, get constructive feedback, and learn production skills. Participants will also have the opportunity to join two open mic sessions at a club to dip their toe in, while getting support and mentoring.

These summer early fall classes have additional opportunities

Find all of these classes and much more here.