Posted by Helen on Sep 17, 2021 in Creativity, Writing, & the Arts
Marney Babcock

The art of geometry reveals the elegance, order, and diversity of creation by symbolically reflecting the essence of the natural, cosmic, and spiritual worlds. Starting with a point and inscribing a circle that represents the state of unity, wholeness, cycles, eternity, and the number 1; to the marking of a line between two points that represents indecision, duality, polarity, and the number 2. Further, the constructing of a triangle that represents resolution, consciousness, creation, three forces, and the number 3; to the square that represents, the earth, the four directions, structure, and the number 4.
Beautiful designs are brought forth by the intersecting lines of the three basic archetypal shapes of the circle, triangle, and square. New points and possibilities continually appear as the composition grows, limited outwardly only by the confines of the size of the paper in front of you and inwardly until it is too small to see with unaided sight. As the construction grows, attention and discipline are needed to find one’s way through the complexity of the lines and shapes to discover which of the myriad of possibilities to emphasize.
The three tools used in geometry (compass, straight edge, pencil) symbolize the three forces of creation. The compass (light) itself forms a triangle, emanating from the top, down to the rays of creation of the compass legs; and the straight edge (energy) directing the movement of the line; and the pencil and paper (mass) that make the patterns visible.
It is a universal language that transcends time, permeating most cultures and religions. Great historical and religious sites over the millennia were predicated on geometric principles and are found everywhere. From architecture, labyrinths, and art; to religious, meditative, and cultural symbols.
Modern science has come to realize, already acknowledged by earlier cultures, that the nature of the material world is based on waves of patterns. Powerful microscopes and our computers allow us to view the minute molecular world, the movement of celestial bodies, and the growth of living organisms.
Some regard “the practice of geometry as a symbolic rite for continuous remembrance of the unifying creative principle underlying nature – one that helps maintain the balance between the vertical and the horizontal axes of peoples’ lives.” Order in Nature by Paul Marchant
It is an ancient discipline going back as far as Egypt, a study and knowledge that is even more relevant today. It can enlighten and challenge the intellect as well be as a vehicle for spiritual insight and for indicating the place of humanity as a part of an exquisite, harmonious miracle.
You can explore the art of geometry with a special class at Colorado Free University. Drawing geometrical patterns with a compass and a ruler is both fun and challenging. Join Marney Babcock in this exploration of creativity and attention. Marney now offers three courses using geometrical forms to create beautiful drawings: The Art of Geometry: Create Stunning Drawings with Universal Forms, The Inspiration of Geometry: Drawing a Rose Window, and The Elegance of Geometry: The Pentagon & Pentagram. See all of her classes here.