The Denver International School is the longest running international school in the Rocky Mountain region.  Through a merger a few years ago, the original Denver International School joined forces with Montclair Academy and moved its campus Denver Montclair International School next door to us in Lowry.  CFU and DMIS have enjoyed a cooperative relationship, sharing a common goal of bringing quality education and enrichment to the Lowry area.   When school opens this week, DMIS will be launching a new middle school program and the students will be using our facility for their classes.  Right now there is a good deal of dust as they scurry to get our site ready to house middle school students.  By next week, we expect the dust to be fully settled and all systems up and running.  When you take your classes here you will see some signs of the younger population (lockers and posters in rooms 206 and 207, for example), but we hope that the disruption to the CFU operation will be minimal.  CFU is proud to be able to facilitate the offering of an outstanding educational program to Denver students.