Try something new with beer & wine tastings at CFU.
I’ve always been rather hit or miss when choosing a bottle or sampling a new beer–but I’ve found that beer or wine tastings both introduce me to new flavors and help me make better choices every time.
Charlie Gottenkeiny is our in-house beer expert. Charlie is just an amazingly warm, fun host and an unbelievable resource on beer.  He’s been teaching all about Belgian beers for some time, but this spring and summer is adding German and British beer tastings to his offering.  You will have a great time, and learn to tell you IPAs from your Altbiers from your Trappists.

Ashley Hausman

Ashley Hausman is CFUs resident sommelier. Don’t miss her Spanish wines class this spring or summer because in the fall she’s going to change it up. She also teaches a food and wine pairing class that is so helpful to understanding what regions and flavors will enhance your menu rather than fight with it.
Another great wine tasting also includes chocolate–what a combination! It’s quite amazing how certain chocolates and wines go togther and bring out the best of both. Julie Pech teaches this class which has always gotten fantastic reviews.
Explore upcoming beer & wine tastings at CFU.