Steve Veltkamp comes in to town one week before the Un-Job Fair with several new social media classes in his line-up.
Pretty much everybody in business these days knows that Facebook is a social media platform that cannot be ignored. Take Facebook for Business with Steve Veltkamp to get Steve’s perspective on working with Facebook and learn his tips to help you leverage your business exposure.
Steve also thinks that  Google+ is a potentially serious rival to Facebook. What should you pay attention and keep up on for your business? He’ll also talk about Google Apps which can make  your online time more effective
Microblogging is another small business tool that all businesses should know how to use. Learn Steve’s tips on using Twitter, Tumblr and other social media tools to really make a difference in your buisnesses exposure.
See all Steve’s May classes here. And be sure to join Steve, Barbara Winter, Tama Kieves and lots of other great CFU teachers at the third annual Un-Job Fair on June 2.