Posted by Rachel Iacino on Sep 10, 2021 in Older Articles
Check Out Our Newest Opportunities!
CFU has programmed some exciting new fall and winter classes that we are eager to share with you. Browse our new offerings and hop on into class! Register online, or call our registration office on 303-399-0093, Ext 0.
Please note: We had one major error and one omission in our recent catalog.
Creative Mindfulness is a 4-session course, not a single session. The class runs online from 10/25 to 11/15.
Do You Have a Spirit Guide? Learning How to Connect with the Divine was left out of the catalog. The first session of this class is on 10/10/21.

Special Events
Barbara Winter is Back!!
The Joyfully Jobless Path to Prosperity
Do you want to make the transition from employee to entrepreneur, or create another source of income? Don’t miss Barbara’s one-of-a-kind class.
Discover new possibilities for working when you want, where you want, and how you want. Barbara has inspired countless people over three decades with her groundbreaking book, Making a Living without a Job, and her Winning Ways newsletters.
To join Barbara and register your place in the class on October 14, 2021, please click HERE.

Dr Amy Bonomi
Equity and Inclusion Certification Program
Whatever your work or volunteer setting, empower yourself with this 10-hour program designed to help your understanding of the concepts and practices involved in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). The certificate program covers key DEI concepts and skills building, and centers best practice DEI strategies within evidence-based organizational change models.
The training is accessible to all professionals, regardless of position, previous training, or level of knowledge. It starts with the assumption that we are all socialized within environments (e.g., families, schools, communities) that influence our perceptions and practices.
This program is taught by Dr Amy Bonomi, PhD, MPH, an award-winning professor, founding director of the Women’s Leadership Institute at Michigan State University, and author of more than 150 articles/essays on bias, equity, and violence prevention. Dr. Bonomi co-authored the award-winning book, Women Leading Change in Academia: Breaking the Glass Ceiling, Cliff, and Slipper, which addresses DEI barriers women face and strategies to remove those barriers. A strategic leader certified in restorative justice and mediation, Dr. Bonomi has guided thousands of individuals in DEI quality improvement across all types of organizations.
To join Dr Bonomi and gain an Equity and Conclusion Certificate from Social Justice Associates, please click HERE to see all available sessions. The first session of this 4-week training starts on 10/6
Debra Fine

Master The Fine Art of Small Talk
Make the Most of Mingling This Holiday Season
Whether you are gathering with family or colleagues in person or on Zoom this holiday season, be ready to connect and have fun. If you hate walking into a room filled with strangers and striking up a conversation or dread networking events and the upcoming holiday parties, help is on the way! This holiday season every new face is a new opportunity for conversation success. Don’t hang out alone in the corner, or turn off your camera.
In this informative, interactive and entertaining seminar, gain techniques so that you will never again dread going to a party, networking event or job interview.
To join Debra on November 15th for this special session of Master The Fine Art of Small Talk, please click HERE.
Business, Non-Profits and Financial Planning

Our business classes are taught by people with real-world experience who are in the trenches themselves. For tens of dollars you can get information and ideas that you might pay hundreds of dollars for from a consultant. Learn about finances, taxes, copyrights, business planning, marketing and social media, non-profit and more.
10/14- Women and Finance: Creating Balance and Financial Independence – (#4121L) – Online Sadly for many women, the world of investing is intimidating. This workshop empowers women to make informed financial decisions. Leave knowing the steps to begin a financial plan or where gaps may exist in your current plan.
11/6- Search Engine Optimization: Increase Your Google Ranking – (#1988BC) – Online Are you showing up in the searches people do online? You may have a visually appealing website, but if people are not finding you, it’s not helping your business. Learn what you can do to make your website show up as high in the search listings as possible.
11/13 – Annual Campaigns: “Make Your Year” as a Non-Profit – (#3106A) – Online The annual campaign can make or break your year. It can be hard to ask for money. Remember, you’re giving others a chance to support your mission and do good in the world. This workshop is designed to help make your campaigns more efficient, engaging, and effective.

Personal Enrichment
Classes at Colorado Free University give insight and tools to live a more fulfilling life. Whether it’s managing stress, becoming healthier, tapping your potential, charting a new path, communicating better, standing up for yourself, or developing your intuitive abilities, we have a class for you.
9/26 – Laugh and Let Go!: Improv For Everyone – (#4207AL) – In person Would you like to be more spontaneous, communicate more effectively, or be more present in life? Improvisational theater games aren’t just for actors or comedians. They are a great way to shake off stress, heighten your sense of playfulness, and access your natural creativity.
10/10- Build a Better Brain: Engaging Strategies for Improved Memory and Cognition – (#1410W) – Online Neuroscience shows that the brain is resilient, growth-oriented, and adaptive to change. In this class, explore habits and mindsets that impact the health of your brain. Learn easy to implement strategies to foster memory and cognition skills.
10/10--Do You Have a Spirit Guide? Learning to Connect with the Divine (#1961AA)–In person
We all have and are assisted by many spirit guides throughout our life. This course will help you discover exactly what guides are and what their purpose is in your life. You’ll explore how to sense their presence on a day-by-day basis and why it’s so hard for many of us to hear our spirit guides.
10/20- Clarity SHIFT to Positive Thinking: Transform the Way You Live and Lead – (#2588X) – Online Do you sometimes swirl in an eddy of negative thinking, creating the opposite result of what you want? Revitalize your relationships in work and life with the Get Clarity SHIFT program.
10/25 – Creative Mindfulness: A Joy-Filled Approach to Accessing Your Personal Power (#2495AA9) – Online Life these days can be overwhelming. In this class, optimize your personal power by learning diverse, creative mindfulness strategies. Reap the benefits of increased positive feelings, enhanced physical health, and decreased stress. This is a 4-week course!

Creativity and Performance
Creativity isn’t just about creating a piece of art or performing. Being creative helps people be better problem solvers in all areas of life and work. Colorado Free University classes are intended to give students the opportunity to try new things and to develop their talents in a relaxed and unintimidating setting. CFU instructors encourage and give feedback in kind and supportive ways. Beginners are welcome and everyone has a good time.
10/10- Chunky Blankets: Make Your Own Cosy Comfort – (#1305M) – In person Winter is coming! Many of us are staying home more again and need a nurturing craft to help us along. You can make a fluffy, snuggly blanket for yourself or to give as a gift. No knitting skill is required!
10/16- Paper Wreath Making: For Fall and Holiday Fun – (#1588W) – In person It’s time to craft up for the fall and the holidays! In this fun class, make your own paper leaf wreath using paper from books and magazines. Learn the techniques and create a 10 inch diameter wreath in class. No artistic skill or experience needed!
10/30- Ghosts Caught on Film: A Look at Spirit Photography – (#5211AA) – In person Spooky fun for all ages! In this class we will look at spirit photography from the hoaxers of the nineteenth century to modern time. We’ll look at how difficult it is to create a believable hoax and examine common camera anomalies. We’ll also explore authentic ghost pictures, including ones from the instructor’s private collection.
10/30- The Elegance of Geometry – The Pentagon and Pentagram – (#1957D) – In person Have you found the intersection of art and geometry inspiring? Explore the amazing world of geometry by constructing the pentagon and pentagram and work on geometrically constructing your own design.
11/14-12/12 (Four Sundays) – Holiday Singers – (#1154BL) – In person For many of us, nothing gets us in the holiday spirit as much as music! If you feel that way, then this group is for you. We’ll rehearse for three weeks, then present a lively and joyous concert for family and friends on the fourth week, holding CDC and local health department guidelines in mind. Professional singer and vocal coach Cindy Williams will lead the way.

The Spanish Center is our most popular program at Colorado Free University. Students can start at the beginning and work their way to advanced classes. You can get started learning other foreign languages as well. Basic conversational classes are offered in Japanese, French, Arabic, Italian, and Russian.
Starting 12/6- Spanish Winter Intensive – (#L7013AG) – Online Covering material from Spanish 1, Spanish 2, and Conversation 1, you’ll start with learning the alphabet and the basic understanding of pronunciation. Learn the verbs to be, to have, and a steady increase of vocabulary to form sentences. Find out how to conjugate verbs in the present tense, how to form sentences with prepositions expressing affirmative and negative statements, how to ask questions and answer yes or no. Learn about verbs that have irregular conjugations in the first person as well as stem-changing verbs. Learn how to tell time and the verb to go. During the conversation portion, practice all the grammar and reinforce what you are learning while having fun!
Computer Training

Acquiring solid basic computer skills is essential to navigate in our ever-increasing world of social media, technology and office productivity. Our computer training programs are designed for people who want to upgrade their skills to find a new job or advance in their current position. We also offer classes for very beginners to get comfortable using their computer and email.
10/5- Using OneDrive: Microsoft Cloud Storage in Office 365 (#3485BZ) – Online Discover the Microsoft One Drive, the online cloud storage system integral to Microsoft Office 365. Using One Drive, you can create new files, view recent files, share files, and assign privileges for viewing or editing the shared files with all of Office 365’s many apps (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Sway, Forms, and more}. Learn about the differences between the online apps and the full desktop versions of the programs.

Teach With Us
Have you thought about teaching a class? Colorado Free University is looking for people with expertise and passion to share their knowledge and skills with other adults. When you teach a class, you make new connections, hone your skills, and give back to your community. To find out more, please click HERE
The deadline for submission for our Winter/early Spring 2022 is October 20th, 2021. Submit your proposal early for first consideration.