Fashion Feng Shui teacherFashion Feng Shui: Elements of Style
by Marla Smith

People ask, “Marla, what is Fashion Feng Shui?”  I’ll give you the definition, then I’ll tell you how it can change your life. 
Fashion Feng Shui was created in 1998 and gets its roots from Ancient Chinese Feng Shui which is the art of placement to enhance qualities in your life.  FFS (Fashion Feng Shui) works with nature’s 5 elements of water, wood, fire, earth, and metal to create 5 distinct archetypes that mirror personality traits.  It is called a “transformational dressing” technique that honors and expresses who you really are.
How did I get into Fashion Feng Shui?
In my work as a certified image consulting consultant I was not fulfilled working with a client.  I felt like I could dress her up, take her shopping, organize her wardrobe, and help her to look like she has an hour glass figure, but with all of that we never really got to WHO she truly is on the inside, and how to dress that on the outside.
Fashion Feng Shui is a holistic approach to honor who you are, body, mind and spirit.  Embracing your true self will set you free in the fashion world.  FFS focuses on the 4 F words, which are Flatter, Function, Fulfill, and Fortify.
What should I expect in your CFU class?
I will teach you how to identify your true essence and how to dress to Fulfill that and Flatter your appearance exactly as you. FFS is about learning to love the beautiful body you have. I will guide you to select clothing that provides Function for your lifestyle, and most important Fortifies your intentions.  You will learn to dress to help manifest your intentions.  How exciting is that!?
How do I sign up?
This class is not currently offered at CFU, but we hope that you find the information helpful.  Visit to find current courses.
Learn about registration at Colorado Free University.