Make your voice heard by developing confident communication skills!
Everyone faces challenges in social interaction sometimes. Whether you’ve got a speech to make or want to overcome feelings of shyness, we’ve got classes to boost confidence and develop solid skills to ease all sorts of communicative situations.
Here are some upcoming classes:
Getting ready to make a big speech (or toast, or presentation)? The key is really good preparation. Make sure you cover all the bases and step up to the podium feeling really prepared! On April 10,   Own Any Occasion: The Keys to Creating and Delivering a Confident Speech
Does shyness hold you back? You can overcome it. Try  April 15 (3 weeks)–Overcoming Shyness
Become a better negotiator and get more of what you want and deserve from life.  On April 17, take Negotiating Skills for Everyone 
Becoming a good storyteller gives you charisma. On April 17 & 22 learn the skills of great storytellers and how to put them to work for you in Story-Telling for All Occasions: The Keys to Social and Business Success 
Everyone should take this class–learn to communicate more clearly and precisely and get your point across. On April 20, Communicating with Clarity.
Develop your self esteem and become stronger in who you are. Last chance for this class! On April 4/22–Stand Tall in Who You Are 
Are you an introvert? There are ways for introverts to succeed in this very extroverted world. Come learn how! April 24Getting Heard in a Noisy World: Self-Promotion for Introverts
Don’t let a real fear of speaking hold you back.  Join the very encouraging and positive  Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking on April 24 & May 2 and get support and help.
Speech making skills for women! April 26Exceptional Women Speakers: Using Word, Voice, and Body to Project Your Message
Particularly useful for those who come in contact with a lot of people everyday  yoga of the mind is a meditation technique that can help you resist the drain on your energy from a lot of social contact.  April 28 & May 5Yoga of the Mind: A Centering and Grounding Practice 
Feel awkward when you have to make small talk? Take nationally known speaker Debra Fine’s the Fine Art of Small Talk on May 2 and never be a wallflower again.
Learn to develop truly intimate and meaningful connections with others. May 4–the Key to Intimacy: Compassionate Communication 
You only get one chance to make a first impression. Make sure yours are always memorable in a good way. On May 11, take Fantastic First Impressions: How to Wow Everyone You Meet with long time CFU teacher Gary Michael.