Denver view by Gary Michael.

Denver view by Gary Michael.

Announcing “Here & There ” in an art show of recent and not so recent work by Gary Michael, at Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado, 600 So Marion Pkwy (the building is across the North Lake from the Boathouse in Washington Park). A reception will be held onĀ  Saturday December 13, 3-5 p.m.
Gary Michael painting near Arroyo Seco.

Gary Michael painting near Arroyo Seco.

Gary is a long-time CFU teacher of communication classes. He currently teaches Have Them at Hello: Making A Million Dollar First Impression and The Art of Hearts: Ways to Woo and Wow (a Valentine’s Day special event). Gary’s passion and knowledge on communication and public speaking skills is rivaled only by his talent as a painter.
Support Gary and support the arts in Denver!