Barbara Winter Un-Job photoBarbara Winter wrote the book on self-employment.  Literally.  Making a Living Without a Job has inspired people all over the work to take the leap and become their own bosses.  She has created the “Joyfully Jobless Weekend” to bring aspiring entrepreneurs together to get tools, information and inspiration for succeeding in business.
The weekend is broken into three workshops, one on Friday evening and two on Saturday.  You can take them separately, or get a discount on the whole package.  If you take one, you’ll want to take them all, so register for all three now!  Not only will you have the total delight of hanging out with Barbara for a day and a half, but you’ll bond with other independent-minded folks who are taking the leap into self-employment.
11/20/15Become a Great Idea Detective  Becoming an Idea Detective may be the most important skill you can acquire for taking advantage of this emerging era. It also makes everyday living more fun and interesting. Explore what makes creative people creative, discover how to conduct an idea quest when you’re stumped, uncover ways to evaluate and test your ideas and learn to recognize the ways that ideas are sabotaged.
11/21/15-Making a Living Without a Job  Learn three important techniques for success and how to recognize and manage the obstacles you will face. Find out how to get started with little or no money and then develop multiple income channels. This class will show you the basics and new possibilities for working when, where, a nd how you want—and help you determine whether jobless earning is right for you.
11/21/15–Establish Yourself as an Expert   Discover inexpensive and free ways to establish yourself as an expert in the field of your choice. Discover the easiest way to begin packaging your information and getting it out there. Learn how to attract interest from the media and then once you’ve got their attention, learn how to keep building your reputation as the authority worth listening to. In addition, you’ll be given an overview of the potential ways in which an expert can earn money.
Register for the entire weekend here and get the reduced price.