Send us your questions or ask to be added to our Constant Contact emails to learn about upcoming classes and discounts.
Do not use this form to register for classes or make changes to registrations. Call us instead–(303) 399-0093.
Use the contact form and submit questions or request to be added to our e-newsletter list to stay abreast of upcoming class offerings.
Colorado Free University (CFU)
7653 East 1st Place
Denver, CO 80230
Telephone: (303) 399-0093
Email: cfu@compuskills.com
Monday-Friday: 9:30AM to 5:00PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Email us
Let us know your thoughts about classes you’ve taken, courses you’d like to see us offer, or comments on your CFU experience. Ask for recommendations on classes or courses or send us any questions you have. Contact us by email at cfu@compuskills.com or fill out the form above.
Receive our E-newsletter
We want to keep you up to date on all the goings on here at CFU. Our biweekly newsletter lists upcoming classes, featured classes, and special discounts on classes. Sign up to receive the newsletter on the right side of our homepage, email CFU president, or call us at 303-399-0093.
Contact Staff
Helen Hand – President and New Course Programming
(303) 785-2333; helen@compuskills.com
Cecile DiGiallonardo – Vice President, CompuSkills Computer Training Coordinator, Accounting
(303) 785-2310; cecile@compuskills.com
Maryjean Hand-Bender –CFU & Spanish Program Manager, CFU Space Rental
(303) 399-0093 x2321; cfuspanish.rentals@gmail.com, maryjean@freeuregistration.com
Rachel Iacino – Course Navigator
(303) 399-0093 ext 0; rachel@compuskills.com