Debra FineWorking as an engineer, Debra Fine, like many of her colleagues, dreaded meetings and would hide in the restroom to avoid having to interact. social events.  She realized that they were all missing out on opportunities to build relationships and increase success. She realized that there are specific skills that can be easily learned that turn group gatherings into enjoyable opportunities.
Debra has taught “Master the Fine Art of Small Talk: Mingle with Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime, about Anything” for a decade here at CFU and gets rave reviews:
“Excellent! Filled with great examples and good take home work.”
“Very entertaining and informative.  Enjoyed the class very much and she was so encouraging.”
“She knows her stuff! It was so effective that she modeled learning everyone’s name.”
“She is very enthusiastic and energetic; she makes it easy to feel comfortable in an otherwise uncomfortable setting for me.”
“I was completely engaged & interested the entire class.”
Don’t miss the next opportunity to take Debra’s class on August 18….