Posted by Laura on Jun 23, 2013 in Older Articles

Aaron LaPedis, author of the Garage Sale Millionaire
Discover how you can turn treasure hunting into a full-time job from from the guy who wrote the book on it–literally—the Garage Sale Millionaire, Aaron LaPedis in a Make Money from Garage Sales, Storage Unit Auctions, & More seminar on
Second hand shopping, garage sales, storage lockers, and more can yield valuable treasures if you know what you are looking for. Aaron LaPedis will share great information on how you might be able to begin creating a new income stream or supplement your day job with second hand resale.
Aaron is author of the Garage Sale Millionaire, a sought after speaker and a 30-year expert in the field of collectibles. Aaron has been featured in the Denver Post and other newspapers.
Join Aaron on July 11 for a great informative seminar!