Posted by Laura on Apr 18, 2016 in Older Articles

Copyright 2016 May W. Yipp
May Yipp, one of CFU’s most beloved and respected art teachers, returns this summer to teach several sessions of No Fear Watercolor, Summer Intensive. If you’ve ever wanted to explore this wonderful medium (or even if you are an experienced painter but want new challenge and practice), don’t miss this chance to take May’s class (or all of them–you always learn new things!)
Some people are intimidated by watercolor, but May breaks down the process of creating a beautiful landscape, floral or garden scene, animals, or still life in a way that focuses on building successful skills. Although the class is called an intensive, it’s not intense in a stressful way at all. It’s just that you learn so much. Expect to create two paintings in the four-hour class.
You’ll learn skills like washes, value, how to successfully work with color (no mud tones!), and brush work techniques. You’ll see demonstrations and put to practice your new skills on your paintings. Students need to bring your own materials ($30-40 depending on what you choose. A supply list can be found in the course description or here.)
May only offers three of these workshops this summer before she returns to her winter home in northern Colorado. Don’t miss out!
Browse all May’s classes upcoming classes here.