You’ve got to step out of your routine from time to time to keep yourself fresh.  You lose your edge if it’s all work and no play.  CFU has just the thing!
1/21 & 1/28/15–Self-Hypnosis Immersion.   Learn what hypnosis is and how it can unlock the potential of your innate abilities.
Starts 1/23/15 (4 weeks)–Discovering Your Creativity Through the Artist’s Way.  Join with artist Yenni Tawahade in the process of self-discovery that can unlock your creative capacities.
2/4 & 2/11—Beginning Magic:  How to Wow and Amaze.  As Max Mago, co-owner of Mago’s Magic Shoppe, Oddities & Curiosities says “Everyone should know at least one magic trick.”  In this fun class, you’ll perfect two great tricks and learn a lot about the wonder of magic.
2/7/15–Become a Solar Entrepreneur.  Find out whether solar might be suitable for your home and what is available in terms of tax credits.  Also, explore becoming an ambassador with Solar City, the country’s largest solar company and earn passive income.
3/7/15–The New Homesteading:  Finding What’s Right for You  Learn what the new homesteading is all about, from backyard agriculture to raising animals, bee keeping, permaculture, herbs, and the various cottage industries that can grow out of these pursuits and find out what might fit your interests.

Vikki Walton with one of her chickens in her homestead.

Vikki Walton with one of her chickens in her homestead.

2/15/15–Couples Massage.  Need we say more?  Plus, think Valentine’s Day!