spanish immersion saturday workshopIf the weather is just right (as it usually is at the end of September), you just might find one of our Spanish Immersion Saturday classes this weekend enjoying the breeze and sunshine on our south lawn while deep into a discussion en Español.
On Saturday, September 28, 2013, we have three levels open in Spanish Immersion: Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced.  If you’ve been studying a while, this can be a great chance to really immerse yourself in the language to the point your head feels a bit full—a sure sign you are really moving up in proficiency.
Or if you’re a new student, this can be a great way to jump in, see what classes are like, and meet some of our great Spanish teaching faculty. Not sure which level might be best? Give us a call and we’ll help you figure it out.
Either way, don’t miss this great chance to immerse yourself in Spanish language this fall!