Posted by Helen on Apr 08, 2014 in Older Articles

Social Media Manager Certificate graduate Dana Taher (center) with CFU Program Manager Laura Hydeman and CFU President Helen Hand.
Congratulations to Dana Taher who has graduated from CFU’s Social Media Manager Professional and Digital Marketing Programs. CFU draws such interesting people and Dana is definitely one. She quickly became a favorite of staff and instructors. Read this interview with Dana and join us in wishing her all the best!
CFU:. When did you arrive in Denver and what was the purpose of your coming?
Dana: I arrived to Denver at the beginning of February.
My main purpose of coming was to take one course and visit my older brother.
I came across CFU and the classes held there, as well as the great certificates they offer, and I decided to sign up for both the Social Media and Digital Marketing certificate
CFU: What made you choose to take the classes at CFU?
Dana: I was mostly attracted to the content of the classes held at CFU. I found the subjects very intriguing and interesting, and got very excited.
I also read the great reviews about the school and got even more impressed.
CFU: What are your plans and how to you think that the Social Media Manager Certificate will help you?
Dana: At the beginning of the course I simply wanted to just learn, but then as the course went by, I figured that I want to develop myself and my business abilities, use what I’m learning to implement it back in Jordan and open my own business.
The certificate really helped widen my goals and ideas and now having my own business is no longer a dream, it’s my next step.
CFU: What have you thought about the classes/teachers here at CFU?
The classes and teachers at CFU were just awesome. I considered them my second family in no time and I feel sad to having to leave.
I learned a lot and gained great experience from the teachers and classes,
it was all very successful and fruitful, to myself and other students a well.