Go on a spiritual and psychic journey with medium Sharon Cheney. Sharon hails from Santa Fe, NM and has been working with her intuitive gifts her whole life. We are always pleased to welcome her back to Denver.
Sharon changes up her seminars with each visit, but always on her line-up is a Spirit Communication class in which she gives short readings. This fall, join Spirit Communication on Thursday evening, September 19.
Also enjoy Sharon’s other three seminars:
September 21: Awareness: The Gateway to Spiritual Evolution.
Sharon-Cheney-150Learn about the games we play and how those are connected to our individual soul’s learning for this lifetime.  This class is a fascinating blend of psychology and the metaphysical.
September 21: Journey of the Soul. 
Soul awareness explains our life experiences, relationships, soul lessons, life purpose, and karmic experiences. Explore this concept and it’s insight into your life and actions.
September 20: Meet Your Spirit Guides and Angels
One of Sharon’s most popular seminars, this workshop introduces you to the role spirit guides and angels may have in your life. Learn how you can develop ways to communicate with them.
Browse all Sharon Cheney’s seminars.