actors on stageHave you thought you might want to step onto the stage but are a bit intimidated?  CFU is your place to step out of your comfort zone in a nonthreatening, risk-free setting.  We love seeing people enjoy the rewards of trying something new.  Check out these classes:
10/1/14–Voice-Over: Do You Have What it Takes?  Bill Smith has had a long career coaching stage and voice-over actors.  Get a taste of what voice-over is all about.  Another session takes place on 10/22.
Starts 10/5/14 (6 weeks)–Beginning Acting and Scene Study,  Bernie Cardell is one of the busiest directors in town. He’s a terrific actor and a really nice guy.  CFU is fortunate to have him take time out of his busy schedule to teach this beginning acting class.  You’ll have a blast in his class.  He won’t be offering this class again for a while, so don’t miss your chance!
10/8 & 10/15/14–Storytelling for All Occasions:  The Keys to Effective Storytelling for Business and Social Success  Bill Smith offers this 2-session workshop in the art of storytelling.  The focus of this Halloween session is scary stories, but the skills you learn and practice will be applicable for every situation from giving a professional presentation to entertaining friends at a social gathering.
10/23/14–Improv for Everybody:  Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life!  Amy Angellili loves life and loves improv.  In a big way, improv changed her life.  She’ll give you a chance to dip your toe in.  This class isn’t for folks who are hankering to perform as much as it is for people who want to experience the joy of improvisational games.
11/2/14–Beginning Voice  If singing is your interest, try this one-session class to learn some of the fundamentals from experienced performer and voice teacher, Cindy Williams.
Starts 11/2/14 (4 weeks)–Let’s Just Sing!  If you’ve had a bit of basic voice training, jump into this ensemble singing class with Cindy Williams.