Belford 1

Terri Belford

The world needs creative people to follow their passions. Whether you’re a soapmaker, a felter, a furniture builder, or a glassblower, there may not be a better time than the present to follow your muse and make a living at it.
Terri Belford comes to CFU with a resume of experience in the crafting business, going all the way back to the 70s. She’s done it all–from selling her own handmade items at craft fairs to representing artists in local galleries. Join Terri for this eye opening, informative, and inspirational seminar, and learn how you can take your passion to the maker marketplace.
Whether you want to sell your crafts full-time or as a part-time added income stream, Terri shares 21 ways you can make your crafts your livelihood and introduce you to new ways to go about it, like crafting for a cause.
Terri Belford teaches the Myth of the Starving Artist: 21 Ways to Turn Your Crafts into Cash this April 8, 2016. Join her and follow your passion!