Basic RGBYour mom probably has enough stuff.  Here’s a better idea–a gift certificate for classes at CFU!  Or, register her for a class you know she’ll like.  Or, even better register her and yourself for the same class–wouldn’t she love to take a class with you!  If you’re a CFU member, you can use your “Bring-a-Friend” benefit to register your mom at the member rate along with you.
Here are a just a few ideas:
5/10/15–Tea for the Duchess of Bedfordshire (#6200BA)–what a fun thing to do with your mom on Mother’s Day!
Starts 5/10/15 (6 weeks)–Beginning Acting & Scene Study (#1167AB)
5/11/15–Pizza Pizzazz: You Can Teach an Old Pie New Tricks (#6380AR)
5/13 & 5/20/15–Beginning Magic: How to Wow and Amaze (#8832G)
5/16/15–Beginning Colored Pencil Techniques (#1562G9)
5/17/15–No Fear Watercolor (#1310EA) –only 4 spots remain in this class.
5/19/15–Cooking Malaysian: The Perfect Blend of Asian Flavors (#6217P)
Starts 6/1/15 (3 weeks)–Beginning Mosaics (#1495T)
6/6/15–Beginning Cake Decorating (#1956N)
Starts 6/20/15 (4 weeks)–Beginning Golf at Emerald Greens (#7305BF9)
6/28/15–No Fear Acrylic (#1456K9)
Call us and tell us what your mother likes and we’ll help you find a great class!  (303)399-0093 ext 0.