Posted by Laura on Nov 02, 2013 in Older Articles
Make your voice heard by learning communication skills and tips. This fall features an exceptional line up of classes that can help you develop the skills you need to get your ideas and intentions across.
On November 9: Civilized Assertiveness for Women
Get heard without coming across as too pushy. This class has been popular for many years. Val Williams.
On November 11: Exceptional Women Speakers: Using Words, Voice and Body to Project Your Message
Women and men bring different strengths to public speaking—learn tips and tricks especially for women to make your presentation truly memorable.
November 16 & 17: Animal Communication: Learn to Talk with Animals
Animals are talking—are ready to hear them? Find out more about cross species communication. Danielle Trembley
November 19: Get Paid for Speaking
Find out how to break into the speaking gig circuit from a long-time pro, Joe Sabah.
December 2: Master the Fine Art of Small Talk: How to Mingle with Anyone, Anywhere, About Anything, Anytime
If you hate holiday parties because you dread striking up conversations, join this class by the acclaimed Debra Fine and become a small talk survivor.
December 5 & 12: Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking
Dave Pollack overcame a debilitating fear of pubic speaking and in this class he creates a supportive and fun environment to help you do the same!
December7: Fantastic First Impressions: How to Wow Everyone You Meet
You only have one chance to make a first impression–make it count!
December7: The Key to Intimacy: Compassionate Communication
Learn to communicate in a heart felt way each and every time. David Steele has developed a unique and enjoyable class that will have you reaching in and back out to others with compassion.

December15: Negotiating Skills for Everyone
Learn to get what you want, need, and deserve by improving how you negotiate for it. Tanya Davis
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