David Steele

David Steele teaches The Key to Intimacy: Compassionate Communication

The world is a noisy place these days, but we’ve got a variety of communication classes to help you make sure you are getting heard. Whether you have a hard time meeting people or have a big speech coming up, or really need to ask for a raise, there is a class to help you become a more successful and effective communicator.
Here’s our line up for summer 2014:
June 7, 2014: Fantastic First Impressions

Long time CFU teacher Gary Michael is all about making an authentic and meaningful connection with people. Join him for this class that has been well received for many, many years.

June 10, 2014: Overcoming Shyness

Shyness can be overcome, and it is helpful to learn more about where it comes from as you learn new skills to build confidence in meeting and talking to others. Class is hosted by counseling psychologist Jendayi Harris.

June 17, 2014: Assertiveness Training for Everyone

Assertiveness is a skill that can be learned. Join this fun class led by CFU president and clinical psychologist, Helen Hand, PhD and practice skills asking for what you want.

June 21, 2014: The Key to Intimacy: Compassionate Communication

Really connecting with others in deep, meaningful ways is not something much encouraged in our quick, sound-byte culture. David Steele has been working with and developing his compassionate communication approach for years. Come learn to really connect with others in a meaningful way.

June 28, 2014: How to BecomeĀ  A Fearless Communicator in 5 Easy Steps

Learn to create positive change in any aspect of your life by communicating your beliefs, values, wants, needs, and feelings to others. Taught by Jeanne Jacobs, PhD in Communication Studies, a communication coach and teaches graduate research classes at DU.

Amy Angelilli teaches improv & online dating! Same difference, right?

Amy Angelilli teaches Improv for Everyone

June 30, 2014: Improv for Everybody: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life!

Improv games aren’t just for theater folks. They can help anyone who wants to be more spontaneous, communicate more effectively, and be more present in life. Join funny lady and excellent teacher Amy Angelilli for this joyful class.

July 9, 2014: Negotiating Skills for Women

Women bring different skills–and inhibitions–to the negotiating table than men do. Learn to understand the negotiating dynamic better and practice maximizing it. With attorney Jeanne Lee.

July 24, 2014: Take Control of Your Life: Set Healthy Boundaries

Join psychotherapist Sarabeth Bjorndahl and learn how to set and protect healthy boundaries so you are neither a doormat nor rigid. She has offered this class for many years and it gets consistently excellent reviews.

Debra Fine teaches the Fine Art of Small Talk.

Debra Fine teaches the Fine Art of Small Talk.

August 18, 2014: Master the Fine Art of Small Talk: Mingle with Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime About Anything

Debra Fine wrote the book on small talk–literally, The Fine Art of Small Talk— and travels the country as a well-respected authority on breaking the ice and managing to be a successful conversationalist in all sorts of scenarios. If you’ve never taken her class, it’s fun, engaging and packed full of great, usable advice.