How to Use Gmail Class in DenverHow to Use Gmail hands-on class in Denver

Would you like to know how to use Gmail?  Probably most folks you know these days are using g-mail, or Google’s e-mail system, to send emails.  Certainly everyone under the age of 30 is on g-mail! For folks who’ve not migrated to g-mail yet, it can seem a little confusing.  Why not get a few hours of help in this 3-hour class so that you can get comfortable from the get-go?  You’ll work hands-on at a computer in our computer lab and learn the ins and outs of Google Mail.

Google is the big kid on the block, and it’s going to be around long after other platforms are gone. Google is at the forefront of mobile platforms and connectivity and is a leader in innovations of all kinds. Best yet, Google offers many applications for free! In this hands-on class, learn to start and customize a Gmail account. Discover the features that come with a Google account including those to create and share web-based Google Docs (drive) and calendars.
Previous knowledge or experience: Understanding of the basics of Windows

[See Intro to Google Mail class dates and get registered here…]

If you are already know how to use gmail-Denver, you might want to go on for further instruction about how to use Google Drive and Apps.  Individuals, nonprofits and businesses are finding these free extras that come with a Google Mail account useful tools.

CompuSkills Computer Training

CompuSkills is part of Colorado Free University, Denver’s premier lifelong learning center offering skill-based and enrichment classes in Denver.  The CompuSkills labs provide individual work stations for each participant.  Classes are small, so that you get lots of individual attention.  Students are able to retake classes at no charge within 6 months of the original class.  Classes must have enough newly enrolled students to meet their minimums to run and have space available.  Then students can opt in on a standby basis for the free retake.  Call Colorado  Free University at (303)399-0093 ext 0 to learn more.