Posted by Helen on Nov 20, 2017 in Older Articles

Left to right, standing: Cecile, Kevin R., Maryjean, Kevin C. and Deborah. Seated: Helen Not pictured: Nancy and Laura.
We have a terrific staff here at CFU, but folks coming to take classes don’t always get to know them. We work behind the scenes to support the opportunity for you to take the terrific classes offered by the instructors who bring their expertise and passion to CFU.
When you call, you’re like to get Kevin R. or Deborah on the phone. Maryjean is overseeing the operation, including managing the schedule of classes and communicating with instructors. She manages the Spanish program, as well. Cecile handles business and accounting matters, and coordinates the computer classes. Kevin C. manages catalog distribution and helps with facility needs. Nancy cleans the building and Laura creates our catalog and updates our website. Helen programs new classes, solves problems, and tries to keep the ship on course.