Sam Horn can help you stand out!
Intrigue expert, Sam Horn has been teaching and coaching leaders, authors, innovators and business people to rise above the competition and stand out.  If you want to distinguish yourself, you need to be a thought leader or topic expert in your field.  Writing a book or giving compelling presentations are the key ways to get your ideas out there and to have people pay attention.
Besides, if you’re good at what you do or have had valuable experiences, sharing what you know is important.  On her website, Sam writes, “If you have experience, expertise and business ideas that would benefit others; it’s almost selfish to keep them to yourself.  Sharing your lessons-learned doesn’t come from arrogance, it comes from service. It’s an offering, a way of saying ‘Here’s something I think, feel, believe, see, have learned or have experienced. I hope it might be of interest and value to you.’  Yet, many people start with the best of intentions and then life intervenes. They get distracted, busy, overwhelmed, tired. They put their creative project aside to deal with other priorities – and never get back to it. That’s a path to regrets.”
The Founder and CEO of the Intrigue Agency, Sam has presented to more than half a million people worldwide and for such organizations as American Bankers Association, Kaiser Permanente, Four Seasons Resorts, Accenture, Cisco, Boeing, Fortune 500 Forum, Asian Leadership Conference, U.S. Embassy in London, and Direct Marketing Association in Beijing. CFU is fortunate to have her present these special workshops here at Colorado Free University.
July 8, 2017–9:00-12:00–Write a Book!   Find out how to get your ideas from your head onto paper in a way that will entertain and inform your readers.  Share your experiences and ideas in a way that will establish you as an expert, show your credibility, and build your reputation. 
July 8, 2017–1:00-4:00–Give an All-Star TED or TEDx Talk  Whatever the presentation you’ll be giving, this workshop will help you put together a sizzling talk.  Get tips on creating your title, making the presentation original and compelling, and making sure your audience remembers you.
Register for both workshops as a package and save money.   Participants who register for both workshops will have the opportunity, over lunch, to interact with Sam in a relaxed, informal setting.